
Morning vibe: Ocean Spray gives cranberry juice drinking skateboarder new truck after viral TikTok video

New truck FILE PHOTO: Ocean Spray has gifted a man who went viral for drinking its cranberry juice a new truck. (David Zalubowski/AP)
(David Zalubowski/AP)

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho — A man who went viral for skateboarding while drinking cranberry juice has a new set of wheels.

Nathan Apodaca, of Idaho Falls, Idaho, went viral with a TikTok video he filmed last month. His vehicle had broken down and he used the unconventional form of transportation to get to work.

“My car, it just shuts off sometimes,” Apodaca told TMZ. “The battery, I don’t know what it is, just shuts off. I always have my longboard in there, in case I run out of gas or something.”

He had planned to deal with the broken down car after work, People magazine reported.

As he rode down the street, drinking his juice, he lip synced to Fleetwood Mac’s “Dreams.”

The original TikTok video has more than 4.8 million likes.

It then spread to Twitter, where one share has more than 23 million views.

The video caught the attention of Ocean Spray, the brand of juice he was drinking.

The company surprised Apocada with a new truck filled with bottles of juice.

The CEO of Ocean Spray started the #dreamschallenge and jumped on a skateboard, recreating Apocada’s original video.

And so did Mick Fleetwood.

As for his new truck and his newfound fame, Apodaca told East Idaho News, “It’s been a wild ride for sure and it’s awesome that I’m putting out good vibes for everyone right now.”