First Alert Traffic

Mysterious yellow line on I-95 is paint mistake, FDOT says


JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A paint mistake on I-95 could present a potential danger for local drivers.

Florida Department of Transportation said it’s working to fix the paint spill, which left a long yellow line along I-95.


The bright yellow line runs from San Marco area to County Road 210 in St. Johns County, which is about a 20 mile stretch of road. FDOT said the paint isn’t standard issue, so it’s unclear who spilled it.

FDOT said maintenance crews are working to get it fixed this week and announced that the paint removal will begin Monday night.

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“I say if you follow that yellow line, you find whoever is responsible for that yellow line,” driver Richard Albany said.

While Action News Jax hasn’t confirmed officially who is responsible for the line, Action News Jax Logan MacDonald did follow it all the way to Acme Barricades off County Road 210 and I-95. However, when MacDonald showed up at their doorstep, he was told no comment at this time and they would not confirm or deny responsibility.

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